You're adorable

just yesterday i say to jason... I want some canisters for the counter, like for sugar and such.
today, ave a flea market...i spot them once, but the woman is on the phone. And I want to see if I want to spend my $19 dollars elsewhere and walk away.
I end up coming back...
She speaking to a man, but I bust in anyway..."how much"
she, "oh that's my husband, he brought me some refreshments, i called him so I wouldn't die out here!" as she gulped a juice down.
20 bucks for the canisters, and they even nest within one another...but why would I want that? I need to put things in them!
And she's been wanting to sell them to a cute girl she tells me...good sales line.
So I only have 19, she'll take it.
We speak a little. Her husband tells me he's been to trenton often, well to the courts. Where the wife chimes in, "yeah he has a crazy father-in-law." I smile, say "thank you, stay cool and have a nice day." As I walk away, the husband yells out, "You're welcome, you're adorable!"
uhhh, thanks.
cute aren't they? There are actually 4! Yay! One is filled with tea bags already...the one not pictured, the big one.
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