GORILLA BISCUITS- picts and movies

BEST SHOW EVER! SOOOO GREAT. It's been amost 15 years since I last saw them...crazy! My sister Christine and good friend Felecia came with. Saw Ali B...haven't seen her in yeaaaars, what a perfect reunion at a GB reunion!
Played every song I wanted to hear. Special guest Lou. I stood on stage the whole time. sang, danced and sweat.
Civ passed the mic to me on my most favoritest song FIRST FAILURE, where you will hear my weak lil hardcore girl voice shout the last 5 words..."GET UP AND TRY AGAIN"...words I lived by, thanks to Walter, whom I pulled aside and said "SMMMIIILLLLLE", with our sweaty selves.
good times. GREAT music. a scene i'm proud i was a part of, and still remain...RIP City Gardens.
Cats and Dogs
Stand Still
First Failure
Start Today