Sunday, November 25

Thanksgiving in Maryland

A great time with the family in Maryland!


Monday, November 19

A Fall day in fort green and on the subway and to the hospital

friends, family, dance, food and music

A two hour drive to Connecticut with Annie to visit Ann and family. Soup, friends and family.

A 30 minute drive to Massachusetts to Springfield College to see a student dance performance choreographed by Ann, who was the guest choreographer... It was beautiful!
Some words from Ann about the piece:
This piece is inspired by my experience in Saut D'eau (Sodo), Haiti during the annual pilgrimage to the waterfalls where the Viej Mirak (Catholic Virgin of Miracles)/Ezili Danto (Vodou female divinity) appeared almost two centuries ago. Sodo Mirak seeks to explore the fervor behind Haitian faith, identity, and existence coming from a collective history and life lived through desperate measures. In this environment comfort is found through family including spiritual community and serving God and the spirits or lwa.

After the performance, back at Ann's parents home, we enjoyed some red wine, cheese,and fig almond cake (Mmmmm)as an appetizer. A delicious tofu dinner to follow for 11 people.

And on to the next performances...

Thursday, November 15

worldwide biggies party

Wednesday, November 14

titi strikes again

In a cabinet sits the big bag o' cat food. We hear titi pawing the door, it banging shut.
One morning i was concerned that titi wasn't crying from 6am on, as usual, because he's HUUUUUNGRY.
I say to Jason, "he's drepressed, we're not home enough." I pick him up and kiss find out he's just FULL!
He must have slipped in the cabinet, it shuts behind, he tears open the bag and munches away...
Here, he re-enacts the destruction and happiness...

Tuesday, November 13

a visit to see the sohma stewart's

Saturday, November 10

a saturday night at home

kitty flies

Friday, November 9

i love joe

Tuesday, November 6

Cheese and Chocolate

and some gals...

Sunday, November 4

The Catskills

Friday, November 2

fall sky fall

Thursday, November 1

A movie of titi in his costume

fall leaves

And other Great greats
great Greats
Great greats Great Great

Jenny and the Cat Club

Great children books, Violet was actually Jenny for Halloween...